Cake stall - Summer Fair Sunday 11th June

Could you bake Cakes or Biscuits for our Summer Fair?
Do you know someone who loves baking and can help?
Could we have your recipes to create a Friends Baking Book to sell at the Fair?
The Friends coordinating the Cake Stall are:
Maria Duncan (Oscar’s mum – 5SW) for Whitehill Junior School
Sue Braybrooke (Sarah’s mum – Green Class) for Highbury Infants School
Friends Baking Book
We would love to have the recipes of the cakes/biscuits you will be baking clearly handwritten with black ink or typed on a A4 size paper for inclusion in our Baking Book by Thursday 18th May 2006. You can leave them in the Schools’ Offices for our attention.
When and Where should the cakes/biscuits be delivered
On Sunday, 11th June bring the cakes/biscuits to the Cake Stall at Whitehill Junior School between 10 am – 11.30 am. Please have them cut in individual portions (if whole cake), place them on disposable trays or plates, cover them with cling film and attach the name of the recipe. If you had not given us the recipe, please let us also have a list of ingredients for allergy purposes.
Thank you.
At 8:40 AM, May 08, 2006,
Maria said…
We are receiving recipes from a number of parents and teaching staff. We still need more volunteers to make Second World War recipes to go with the main theme of the summer fair. Would anyone like to help? Send me a comment with your e-mail and I can send you the web page address where these recipes are listed.
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