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- Come and join in the fun at our Summer Fun Day
- Easter Egg Hunt
- Thank you very much!
- It's never to early to talk about the Summer Fair!
- PTA events, up to and including the Summer Fair
- Friends of Whitehill and Highbury PTA AGM
- Funds raised 2008
- A Huge Thankyou!
- Christmas Fair 6th December 12-3pm at Highbury School
- Christmas Fair - Stalls
At 10:26 AM, June 17, 2009,
Happier Healthier Me said…
Well what a day we had at the Summer Fair on Saturday! The whole event had a real community feel to it, which was lovely. The weather was fabulous and several of the stall holders looked an interesting shade of pink by the end of the day. I can’t thank you enough for the huge support we received in so many areas. For those involved in the planning, you have my eternal gratitude, the staff that gave up their valuable free time to lend a hand before, during and after, I think you are great, for those that helped on the stalls, it wouldn’t have been possible without you and for those that set up or cleared away afterwards, it was the best year ever! Everything was ready and in place when people started to arrive and everything was cleared away by about 4.30pm! For those of you that baked, shopped or donated in any way, you are all stars and for those that just came along to join in the fun (and spend your money!) there would be no point in doing these things if we didn’t have you! Absolutely everybody made an invaluable contribution in some way and I am so grateful.
We had so many positive comments on the day – in fact we’ve even inspired people to offer their help for next year!
We can’t give you an exact figure at the moment on how much we raised as there’s a huge amount of work involved in counting up the money, working out what expenses were paid out and getting a true sum, rather than just giving you a figure of what was taken on the day. As soon as we have a final figure, we will post it on the notice boards and entrance gates to the school but we are hoping that it will be close to £3,000.
As much as I’d like to think we got everything right, there is always room for improvement. So, if you have any comments or suggestions that would help us plan for future events, you can always email me at or drop a note into either school office.
Once again, thank you so much. I really enjoyed myself and I hope you did too.
Kind regards
Sue (Chair)
At 5:40 AM, June 18, 2009,
Anonymous said…
It was an excellent day all round and the weather was good which is always a bonus.
For our family is was all very well organised maybe just a small thing but perhaps the stalls could be a little closer like a market or maybe in a circle.
All in all as you say the comments were good well done!
At 1:31 AM, July 03, 2009,
Happier Healthier Me said…
I am more than happy to tell you that we have broken another record, The amount raised in profit by this years summer fair and raffle was £3,807 beating last years total of £3,500. Of course this is going to make me impossible to live with next year, as I’ll have my eye on the elusive £4,000 but we’ll need lots of help to get it, so please, please join in and help again next year. Thanks to everyone once again.
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