Friends of Whitehill and Highbury Schools

Friends of Whitehill and Highbury Schools (FOWHS) is an informal group that allows parents or other individuals to meet and discuss fundraising ideas, liaise with a committee and go onto organising their own events.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Forthcoming Events

I've been asked about the possibility of putting on a Pamper Evening down at Whitehill. Do you or anyone else you know have something you could contribute towards such an evening? Massage, nail painting, fake tans, waxing, small stall selling something that would enhance our pamper theme? We'd put on the wine and nibbles but if you can do anything at all, let me know and we can think about this a bit more.

School Discos - we are moving these events from July/Christmas to October/February. We have less going on at school and it seems a good idea to spread things out a bit more evenly.

It's too early in the year to be thinking about Christmas yet but we have already spoken to Mrs Avey about the possibility of holding a Christmas Fair at Highbury. If you or anyone else you know has something to contribute to this, please let me know. Ideally, I would like to put on a couple of craft activities for the children, a couple of games and then perhaps have a few stalls selling christmassy bits or presents. Please let me know if this is something you'd like to be involved in.

Kind regards
01462 431932
Or drop a note into either of the school offices or add a comment to this post.

Summer Discos

I just wanted to say another huge thank you to all of the people that helped at the Summer Discos. Not only are these fabulous fun but we raise a lot of money too! The Highbury disco is always popular and as usual, sold out pretty quickly. Thanks go to Kirsty Sewell who did a fantastic job of organising everything for the Highbury Disco and Jenny Sennitt for all the hard work she put in with the Whitehill Discos.
With the Highbury disco, we have a maximum capacity of about 100 children on the night. This year, not only did we sell every ticket but a lot of the parents bought younger and older siblings along too which gives us a little bit of a problem on the health and safety side. We are wracking our brains trying to think of the best way to deal with this, whilst keeping everyone happy and although we have some ideas, we would appreciate any thoughts you may have on this.
Just a reminder for the new parents, or those that aren't aware; Whitehill Discos differ from Highbury in that the children are dropped off at the door and are collected at the end of the evening, rather than parents and siblings staying with them.
And as a final note.......I've been toying with the possibility of doing a family disco away from school premises. It would be a really simple do, following the format that seems to work at Highbury. Basic refreshments for the children with Wine and Beer available for the adults. That way, we could keep the cost per head to a minimum but we would have a good night out. Again, I would really appreciate any thoughts you may have on this.
So, with the discos finished, the last of the events for this year have been held. We really hope you have enjoyed yourselves as much as we have.
Have a lovely break over the holidays and see you in September.
Kind regards