A Huge Thankyou!

Thank you everyone for helping to make the Whitehill and Highbury Christmas Fair a great success. We raised £1098 on the day and once again, we couldn't have done it without your continued support. Thankyou especially to the PTA team, the year 6 mums, (who will be sorely missed!), our lovely ladies on Refreshments and the fabulous crowd in the Games room. Thanks also to Natalie (for donating all the reindeer food) and Jayde for the fabulous Christmas cake, Emma for the mince pies and Lisa's Art Stall (ring me if you need her number for childrens parties etc). Thank you to the Teachers and support staff for their help on the day and the school Choirs.(kindly led by Mrs Avey for Highbury and Mrs Walton for Whitehill) and a huge great thank you for everybody that attended on the day. It was a lovely day that was enjoyed by everyone that attended.
Kind regards
PTA Chair