Friends of Whitehill and Highbury Schools

Friends of Whitehill and Highbury Schools (FOWHS) is an informal group that allows parents or other individuals to meet and discuss fundraising ideas, liaise with a committee and go onto organising their own events.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's never to early to talk about the Summer Fair!

The date has been set for 13th June 2009. We were so incredibly lucky last year as so many wonderful people leant a hand. If anyone is happy to help out this year, please could you let me know as soon as possible. It takes me ages to get everything in place so the earlier I have the names of volunteers, the better it is and it may mean a little less stress for me in the final few weeks (my family will really appreciate it!)

Can you help set up (any time from 8.30am until 11.30am). This would involve putting out tables, putting up signs, getting some of the games into place and if you are involved in the BBQ, lighting up.
Can you help put away (anytime from when the fair ends until 4.30pm – hopefully).
Can you help out on a stall 11.45 until 3pm ish. If you don't fancy doing all day, let me know a time slot that would suit.
Need lots of help for the BBQ!
I’ll be honest with you – the best way of fund raising is by donation. If you work for anyone that could provide us with a fabulous raffle prize, it would be much appreciated. If you can sew or know someone that can, would you be happy to make little crafty bits (pillows, lavender bags, knitted items etc) that could be sold on a stall? The BBQ is always inundated. If you would be happy to make, donate and run a stall selling something like samosas or bhajis, you would be our new best friends! If anyone has any other ideas for stalls, please let me know.


PTA events, up to and including the Summer Fair

Just a few of the fund raising events that we are planning up to and including the Summer Fair.

Yellow Moon, Chocoholics & Bags2School - Jenny Sennitt continues to satisfy our demand for craft projects and chocolate with the relevant catalogues. She also encourages us in our bi annual clear out of our cupboards with the Bags2school collection bags. As and when the catalogues and bags come in, they will be distributed between the schools. If for some reason you don't receive something that you'd like, just leave a note in reception and Jenny will contact you.
School Discos - March or April (Date to be agreed) Just need to check with our fabulous Disco Man to see when he is available.
Science Fair - 12th March. This is something that is run by Ms Dickinson & Mr Hudson. the PTA will be providing refreshments for 1 hour after school. Hot & cold drinks with biscuits and cakes will be on sale at Whitehill School in the dining area.
Netball Rally - 14th March – See previous blog advert. This is organised by Mrs Little. The PTA provide refreshments on the day. It was incredibly busy last year so any home baking donations would be gratefully received!
Easter egg Tombola & Cake Sale – Dates and details to be arranged
Easter egg hunt – Sharon Cooper organises this. Have a look at the blog to see what a fabulous time we all had last year, despite the snow! PTA provide refreshments on the day.
Easter Cup competition – details to be arranged
Easter Basket Raffle – See the previous blog advert. Last year we raised £160.
2nd hand clothes sale – We haven't done this before and I'm not sure of the best way to go about it. I was thinking we could organise something to sell off good quality school uniform, Brownie & Cub outfits etc. Would anyone be willing to co-ordinate this? It would mean that you get to see the bits first!
Summer Fair - huge amount of work involved in this. Unless you have previously worked on it, you really can't appreciate how much there is to do. Last year was a baptism of fire for me and so this year, I'm pleading with people to let me know as early as possible, if they are able to help in any way at all. A letter on this is due to go out shortly but if for any reason you don't see a copy, get in touch with me and I'll forward on some details. or drop a note into reception, or call me (before 7.30pm please) on 01462 431932.


Friends of Whitehill and Highbury PTA AGM

Hi Everyone,

We have booked a couple of dates for our first PTA meetings of the year (we usually do 2 so that everyone has a chance of attending if they want to). Please come and keep us company if you can. To keep everything official, we've called it our AGM but things will still follow our very informal pattern; Tea, Coffee, biscuits and a chat. If you would like a copy of the meeting agenda prior to the meeting, just let me know. You can always contact me by email or leave a note for me in reception, or call me at home 01462 431932 (but could you make it before 7.30pm as I have to put Sarah to bed - thanks).

The meetings have been scheduled for;

Whitehill Meeting - Monday 2nd March 1.30pm in the mobile.
Highbury Meeting - Thursday 5th March at 730pm in the dining area at Highbury.

Hope to see you there.


Funds raised 2008

Just to say yet another huge thank you to all of the people who have helped out with fund raising over the last year. Your hard work and participation enabled us to hand over a cheque for £3,500 to each school! Thanks so much for your contribution and we hope to see you once again at the events we'll be organising this year.
