End of Term Cake Sale and Easter Egg Tombola

Easter Egg Tombola and Cake Sale - Whitehill School will hold their event on Tuesday 30th March 2010 and Highbury have theirs planned for Wednesday 31st March 2010. Both will take place at the end of the school day.
In order for this event to be a success in the eyes of the children, we need to ensure that we have enough chocolate eggs for all of the children that want to take part (more or less every child in the schools!) Therefore, we are asking if parents could donate an egg or two to make sure that we have enough to go around. Just send your donations into the appropriate school anytime between now and 29th March. The tombola itself costs the children £1 a go and if you could have the correct change, it would be really helpful. (Please remember all of our events raise valuable funds for the schools and we can only make a profit through the very generous efforts of the parents, teachers, carers and the businesses who sponsor us).
If anyone would like to donate some home baked goods for the cake sales, please could you take them into the appropriate school on the day of the sale.
Many thanks for your continued support.
Kind regards
Sue (on behalf of the PTA)