Friends of Whitehill and Highbury Schools

Friends of Whitehill and Highbury Schools (FOWHS) is an informal group that allows parents or other individuals to meet and discuss fundraising ideas, liaise with a committee and go onto organising their own events.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Autumn and Winter Term 2008

By now, you should have received your Autumn/Winter newletter, letting you know about just a few of the events we would like to hold during the months up until Christmas. If you can help at all, we would love to hear from you. Just as a reminder, we have been asked to look at the possibility of doing a pamper night. If you have any skills in this area, please get in touch.
October Fun Day at Highbury – Mrs Avey always puts on a good do and usually the PTA provides the cakes and refreshments. All donations of cakes for the cake stall, plus any offers of a little help serving with Kirsty and Sue would be gratefully accepted. In addition, if you could do a bit of face painting on the day, Mrs Avey would appreciate your help.
We are going to ‘move’ the discos. They have always been held in July and December but due to the fact that these are such exceptionally busy months, we would like to move them to October and February.
We’d also love to do a Christmas Fair - please help if you can.
Ring Sue on 01462 431932 or Email me – if anything has appealed to you.
Kind regards - Sue


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