Friends of Whitehill and Highbury Schools

Friends of Whitehill and Highbury Schools (FOWHS) is an informal group that allows parents or other individuals to meet and discuss fundraising ideas, liaise with a committee and go onto organising their own events.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008


We've arranged a couple of meetings to talk about the Summer Fair. Please come along and join us - we're bringing cake!
The first meeting is at Whitehill School on Tuesday 15th April at 1.30pm and you'll find us in the scout hut.
The second meeting has been arranged for Thursday 17th April at 7.30pm at Highbury School and you'll find us in the dining area. No cake for this one - wine and nibbles instead!
We're not going to push you into doing anything you don't want to do but, if you do fancy lending a hand, at least it will give you a chance to see who you may have to spend your day with!
Look forward to seeing you there........


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