Easter Cup Competition

Very soon, we will be sending home some plain white cups for your children to decorate. This year, the cups will be judged by our teachers. So even if they do end up looking a little on the unique side, as long as it's been made by your child with a lot of love and effort, then it's got a good chance of winning. This years winners will receive a certificate and cream egg.
At 8:44 AM, February 22, 2008,
Happier Healthier Me said…
Jackie Cooper has said that she will print out the certificates and laminate them for us. She has also said that she may be able to source the paper cups as well.
At 1:38 PM, March 05, 2008,
Happier Healthier Me said…
This year the cup competition is very small scale. Jackie Cooper was kindly able to source the cups for us as well. Cups have been passed to all children, if they want to decorate them they can but they don't have too. The cups do not have to be filled, it's simply a case of the cup that looks like it's had the most effort put in by a child (not a parent!) has a really good chance of winning. Winners will be decided by the class teacher sometime before we break up for Easter.
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