Friends of Whitehill and Highbury Schools

Friends of Whitehill and Highbury Schools (FOWHS) is an informal group that allows parents or other individuals to meet and discuss fundraising ideas, liaise with a committee and go onto organising their own events.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Egg Hunt 2008

Despite the snow at The Easter Egg Hunt it was a fantastic. Special super thanks to the PTA for the refreshments - brilliant in the cold and wet snow! 67 children took part in this event, solving clues hidden all around the playgrounds and field, looking for the Golden egg, taking part in Egg and spoon races (for parents too) and entering their decorated rabbit into the competition. Well done to everyone.

Egg and Spoon Winners
4 and under - Joel H
5 and 6 year olds - Connie M
7, 8 and 9 year olds - Raza C
10 and over - Amy J

Best Decorated Foam Rabbit - Aurora

Mums egg and spoon winner was Sue Bradley...well done
Dad's push the potato race was won by Phil Reynolds

Who found the Golden egg this year? Flora B, well done!

Special thanks from the Easter Bunny (a.k.a Mrs Cooper) to Holly (chief whistle blower), Velvet and Susan, Bruno, Oscar, Hector and Aurora, who must surely be future Easter Bunnies in-the-making, for helping me so kindly either to set up and take down.

Lovely to see so many whole familes out, enjoying this event!

For those that missed it, or the Dads that took part, you can view a film of the Dads version of the Egg and spoon race...the whole idea was to use your body to swing the spud and knock it over the line, not hold your string and do it with your hand. NOT easy for me to film and ensure fair play took place. But well done to everyone who delighted their watching family by taking part.


  • At 4:18 AM, March 24, 2008, Blogger S Cooper said…

    Maria, big thanks too, to your delightful children, who all helped set up and take down the clues!


  • At 12:18 AM, March 26, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    We had fun at Whitehill!

    Aurora X

  • At 12:27 AM, March 26, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I had lots of fun and it was my first time that made it special. It was nice and I loved it and big thank you to Mrs.Cooper.

    see you after easter Holdays

  • At 12:48 AM, March 26, 2008, Blogger Maria said…

    Many thanks also to Jenny, Jill and Sue for providing refreshments. Also to Claire and Mel for helping to set up.
    Best wishes


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